Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Round

Done! Round One:

482 pages of revisions
Two weeks of little sleep
Fourteen days of blazing sunshine (frustratingly rare on this island as it is officially the rainiest spot on earth)
A long awaited visit to the island from my boyfriend Noah (I usually go to California as he gets so little time off)
An ear infection (from a big wave crashing on my head at Secret Beach a year ago--keeps coming back)
Nine days of teaching three wonderful students (Things Fall Apart, split infinitives, Cultural Imperialism, adverbs and James and the Giant Peach)
A lost dog (turned out her name was Nani and she ran away from her bath)
A hole in my tongue (bit it straight through when I fell down the stairs--ouch--need more sleep)
My boyfriend's mom's birthday (at Kintaro's)
Three hundred hours of writing
Sixty-eight phone calls to my mom (she would like me to get a stronger grip on split infinitives)
An enormous pile of laundry
Ten bitten down fingernails
One stubbed toe
Three pineapples
A compelling new coffee habit
Four terrible movies
One Tropical Taco
Four unreturned movies
One late fee from the movie machine
Lemons in the lemon tree
Eleven striped shells (from Tunnels Beach)
29 unanswered phone messages
And the result...a 512 page revised manuscript.


Please feel free to leave a comment! I would love to hear from you!